Season's Eatings

Season's Eatings
Category Quests
Type Live Event Main Story
Rewards 1610Resonance
Eventide Cuisine Exchange Gift
Eventide Cookies
10Revel Rubies
2000Reward Tower XP

Season's Eatings is a live event quest in Wayfinder.



The chef Grim-Knuckle Cragg has asked you to deliver bad news to Ruby: goblins have stolen his stores of food and he can't feed her army of workers this Eventide. Maybe Ruby has an idea of how to retrieve the feast before it's gone for good.


Goblins stole the Eventide feast intended for Ruby's workers. Chef Grim-Knuckle Cragg wants you to confer with Ruby to figure out how to get the feast back in time.


The chef Grim-Knuckle Cragg has asked you to deliver bad news to Ruby: goblins have stolen his stores of food and he can't feed her army of workers this Eventide. Maybe Ruby has an idea of how to retrieve the feast before it's gone for good.



Clear Traditions of Eventide.

Start quest[edit]

Starts automatically.


  • Phase 1
    • Speak to Ruby
  • Phase 2
    • Speak to Warden Hass About the Missing Shipment
  • Phase 3
    • Find Watcher Guthrie in the Highlands
  • Phase 4
    • Pulverize the Goblins Protecting Supply Sacks (10)
    • Gather Supply Sacks Near the Codex Halls (3)
  • Phase 5
    • Return to Watcher Guthrie in the Highlands
  • Phase 6
    • Find the Goblins' Secret Stash Near the Codex Halls Breach
  • Phase 7
    • Examine the Strange Paper Under the Codex Halls Breach
  • Phase 8
    • Return to Grim-Knuckle Cragg in Skylight
  • Phase 9
    • Enter the Eventide Vale
  • Phase 10
    • Complete the Season's Eatings Event in the Eventide Vale
  • Phase 11
    • Return to Grim-Knuckle Cragg in Skylight
  • Phase 12
    • Deliver the Dubious Food to the Workers in the Bitter End
  • Phase 13
    • Deliver the Dubious Food to the Workers in the Bitter End
  • Phase 14
    • Deliver the Letter to Ruby in Skylight
  • Phase 15
    • Take Ruby's Cauldron to Grim-Knuckle Cragg


Start Quest
Grim-Knuckle Cragg

Greetin's, hungry folk. Cragg's the name. Hope you like gruel. It's all I've got until my Eventide contingency plan comes through.


I was hoping for a holiday feast.

Grim-Knuckle Cragg

As were we all. Ruby ordered a huge meal for her workers, but not even the Huntmaster lives on meat alone. I need breads, vegetables, sauce, everything from the farmlands. And goblins got my shipment!


You said you had a contingency plan?

Grim-Knuckle Cragg

Not a plan, exactly. More like a hope. Would you mind breaking the news to her for me? I've got more scars than I got teeth, and if Ruby gave me a hug out of pity, I might crack a rib.

Start Quest
Foreman Ruby

Good spot of weather, eh, Wayfinder? Things've been going well on my end. My builders put up the Eventide lights. Looking great, wouldn't you say?

Can't wait to get some grub in their bellies—these humans don't eat enough. But how long does it take old man Cragg to make a meal for thirty of them small fry?


He can't. Goblins stole his ingredients.

Foreman Ruby

Those little—ugh! They have gone too far! I swore to my men I'd fill their bellies, giant style, and no scamperer's making me break that promise!

Arrgh! Think, think, think! Hmm. That shipment should've made its way through Lower Skylight a while ago.

Maybe Warden Hass knows what happened to it, or at least where to look. I'll break the news here and hold down the fort. You get to the Highlands!

Clear Phase 1
Foreman Ruby

Good spot of weather, eh, Wayfinder? Things've been going well on my end. My builders put up the Eventide lights. Looking great, wouldn't you say?

Can't wait to get some grub in their bellies—these humans don't eat enough. But how long does it take old man Cragg to make a meal for thirty of them small fry?


He can't. Goblins stole his ingredients.

Foreman Ruby

Those little—ugh! They have gone too far! I swore to my men I'd fill their bellies, giant style, and no scamperer's making me break that promise!

Arrgh! Think, think, think! Hmm. That shipment should've made its way through Lower Skylight a while ago.

Maybe Warden Hass knows what happened to it, or at least where to look. I'll break the news here and hold down the fort. You get to the Highlands!

Clear Phase 2
Warden Hass

Wayfinder. I thought you'd be celebrating Eventide up above. What brings you down among the unfortunates of the city?


Chef Cragg's missing a valuable delivery.

Warden Hass

Indeed. I <italic>thought</> the goblins were especially aggressive. It is said they celebrate greed as a holiday this time of year. For certain, they're responsible for several shipments' thefts.

If we're speaking of the one meant for Chef Cragg, Watcher Guthrie was looking into it. He was to begin his search just outside of Lower Skylight.

Guthrie prefers to use a Heartwood Tower as an outpost. You should be able to find him there.

Clear Phase 3
Watcher Guthrie

Hold! Who goes there? Oh, a Wayfinder. Better be careful around here, you could startle someone and end up with a bolt in your eye.


I'm looking into the missing shipment.

Watcher Guthrie

You are? You've arrived at just the right time, then. I've been trying to catch a goblin for interrogation, but they're more slippery than they look.

I've got it. Good Seeker, Bad Seeker. You start pulverizing them, and when we catch one I'll play the merciful type. Get them to spill their secrets.

All you have to do is show them they can't mess with Skylight. Easy, right?

Oh! And go through their storage sacks if you see any. They'll probably have some of the shipment you're looking for.

Clear Phase 4
Watcher Guthrie

Wayfinder! I caught one of the rascals! Come chat and we'll get to the bottom of this.

Clear Phase 5
Watcher Guthrie

You're back! Let me take a wild guess—the stuff you gathered wasn't enough to account for the missing shipment?


No, not even close.

Watcher Guthrie

I thought as much. All right, goblin, time to spill your guts. You do it figuratively, or my friend does it literally.

Captured Goblin

Do your worst! I'll never tell you about our secret hiding spot under the Codex Halls breach! I'm a trained professional!

Watcher Guthrie

I knew "Good Seeker, Bad Seeker" worked every time, just... not so quickly.

Captured Goblin

What? No, that's not where it is! Ugh, just kill me now and save the Cookmaster the effort...

Watcher Guthrie

I'll deal with you later. Wayfinder, you want to look under the Codex Halls breach while I go hunt down other stashes?

Clear Phase 6
Foreman Ruby

Sorry to suddenly butt in, but I'm here with Cragg. My workers have empty stomachs, and they're halfway through the wine supply. It's getting ugly.

Oh, you've got it! Cragg, come look! Can we work with this?

Grim-Knuckle Cragg

Uh, right... Hold that dagger closer, Wayfinder. It's hard to see through this contraption.

Arcs above... I'm gonna punch every goblin from here to the First Peak! It's ruined! Spoiled! Those goblins have... <italic>goblined</> all over it.

Foreman Ruby

Hold on. Surely we can still make something out of all that. What if we fried it? It might sterilize the disgusting parts and help the taste.

Grim-Knuckle Cragg

Hmm... Now there's an idea. I've heard that goblin cuisine fries everything. Maybe we can salvage this—I hesitate to call it <italic>food</>.

Still got a problem. You got thirty mouths to feed and I got three stoves. Your workers ain't gonna like waiting up 'til midnight to get their first bite.

Foreman Ruby

What? We can't have them waiting that long. Wait, Wayfinder, what's that on the ground, where the food was?

Clear Phase 7
Foreman Ruby

What is that, some kind of drawing? Can you tell what's on it?


Looks like a goblin shouting at... a big pot?

Foreman Ruby

Hmm...a goblin and a big pot. Wait! Could that be?

It's a long shot, but I've got an idea! Let me talk to Venge. Wayfinder, you meet with Cragg in Skylight—we might still salvage Eventide!

Clear Phase 8
Grim-Knuckle Cragg

All right, let's see what we've got. Twinhorn hocks, rotbeak wings, grayhorn strips—that's all good.

Foreman Ruby

Wayfinder, are you there with Cragg? I think I have a solution to our problem!

Grim-Knuckle Cragg

Yup, I'm here. What're you cookin' in that brain of yours, Foreman?

Foreman Ruby

Cragg, how big would something need to be for us to fry all that food in time?

Grim-Knuckle Cragg

I dunno, for your thirty workers? It'd need to be somethin' the size of a dragon maw.

Foreman Ruby

Well, I have some great news—Venge said the Geartooth have this mythical pot, made so big it's impossible to steal. It's said to have been lost to the Gloom long ago.

Legend has it that a powerful goblin mage, the Cookmaster, takes stolen ingredients and cooks a meal of dubious quality in the giant pot. It's called the Three-Ton Cauldron!


How do we get it to Skylight? Can you lift it?

Foreman Ruby

Well, sure, I ain't a goblin. But I'm no good at Gloom Gates and portals and whatnot. That's you. I'm thinking you find the cauldron, cook up a storm, then bring the grub back.

Grim-Knuckle Cragg

That's quite a tall tale. I'll believe it when I see it. But... if you're gonna try this cooking plan, you'll need some spices and oils. Here—

There you go. Now, the cooking ain't hard, it's just the biggest deep-fry of your life.

Clear Phase 9
Foreman Ruby

The Three-Ton Cauldron should be close. Wild guess: it'll be easy to spot.

Clear Phase 10
Foreman Ruby

You've done it! If that smells as good as it looks, you might have just saved Eventide!

Clear Phase 11
Foreman Ruby

Well, chef? Whaddaya think? Is the Wayfinder five-star material?

Grim-Knuckle Cragg

Well, the deep-fried rotbeak wings smell like... um... birds. Let me get a taste...

They say "less is more" when it comes to flavors, but... these workers ain't as refined as all that. Add some salt or cheese to help it stay down.

Foreman Ruby

That'll do! The boys requested giant food, they're ready for some strange tastes. As long as it fills them up, I think they'll get along with it.

Only thing is, most of them went home to try to scrape together meals for their families. I can deliver for them—would you mind taking some to the workers in the Bitter End?

Clear Phase 12
Blunt Worker

This is from the Foreman? Was beginnin' to wonder if she'd forgotten about us.

Cheerful Worker

What is this... uh... unidenti-fried object here?

Mellow Worker

After this year, I don't care. Had rat, crow, skitterwig... this don't look as bad as them. I'll try anything once.

Clear Phase 13
Grizzled Worker

Hmm, so this is giant food? Need a strong jaw for it, but that's no harm. Here, take a bite of meat, then of this vegetable thing. Mix the tastes.

Timid Worker

The Foreman is always trying to feed us. Says we gotta grow muscle. This could work. Pass me that cheese.

Calm Worker

This'll go a long way to fillin' us up, I'll tell you that much.

Mellow Worker

You know what, Wayfinder? Thanks to you and Ruby, this Eventide is turnin' out mighty fine. It ain't much, but we want you to take this letter to the Foreman. If you'd be so kind.

Clear Phase 14
Foreman Ruby

Oh, welcome back, Wayfinder! Wasn't expecting to see you so soon.


Your workers wanted you to have this.

Foreman Ruby

A letter? I didn't know most of 'em could read.

"Ruby, we know you don't got family in Skylight, but this past year your guidance has been our finder's star. We thank you for pushing us hard, for easing back when we needed it, and never giving up."

"There ain't a Seeker, Watcher nor arcanist we'd be prouder to work for. We know how you house all the refugees, so we thought someone ought to tell you... welcome home." It's signed by all of them.

I, uh... just want to say this is the warmest thing I've ever seen Skylighters do for Mazen folk. I'm... I'm glad you're here with me.


I'm glad you're here, too, Ruby. Happy Eventide.

Foreman Ruby

You know, this wouldn't have been possible without Cragg. Mind waiting a minute, Wayfinder? I've got a little stoneshift oil, and I want to get something together.

Foreman Ruby

Best I could do on short notice. Would you mind taking it to Cragg with our thanks? I don't think he'd turn down an extra cauldron for Eventide.

Clear Quest
Grim-Knuckle Cragg

Wayfinder. Haven't you got mouths to feed? We didn't forget something, did we?


This is for you, from Ruby and her workers.

Grim-Knuckle Cragg

That pot's... what's the word? Elegant. Got snowflake patterns an' beautiful bits. Who are these people carved into it?


The workers, celebrating Eventide thanks to you.

Grim-Knuckle Cragg

But... I didn't... This is like takin' a boxer's title and giving it to the coach. I just told you what to get, you did the work.

I, uh... never been one for speeches when a "thanks" will do. But turning hungry, cranky blokes into satisfied customers... it really warms the heart, you know?

The Gloomfall has made us all feel like we're just scraping by, but that's just a feeling, it ain't always true. This pot here's like a reminder.

That's it, that's all I got. You go have yourself a merry Eventide, Wayfinder.

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