Slashing Through the Snow

Slashing Through the Snow
Category Quests
Type Live Event Side Story
Rewards 1410Resonance
5Medium Wayfinder Resonance Cache
5Medium Wayfinder Resonance Cache
2000Reward Tower XP

Slashing Through the Snow is a live event quest in Wayfinder.



Avala has called for you again to help her research into the arcane aspects of Eventide. You should visit her to see what she needs.


You should meet with Seeker Avala again to complete her research into Eventide. Perhaps she has figured out what causes the change in the elements.


After successfully practicing the Huntmaster's Eventide traditions of hunting the Abominus and Winter Queen, you were able to give Seeker Avala more data about the relationship between Eventide traditions and the elements. An answer is close.



Clear Traditions of Eventide.

Start quest[edit]

Starts automatically.


  • Phase 1
    • Speak to Avala Near Damon's Bell in Skylight
  • Phase 2
    • Talk to the Huntmaster About Eventide Traditions
  • Phase 3
    • Enter the Eventide Vale
  • Phase 4
    • Slay Creatures in the Eventide Vale (15)
  • Phase 5
    • Defeat the Abominus and Claim its Hoard
  • Phase 6
    • Return to the Huntmaster in Skylight
  • Phase 7
    • Craft a Winter Queen Shard Fragment
  • Phase 8
    • Complete the Winter Queen Hunt
  • Phase 9
    • Return to Skylight
  • Phase 10
    • Deliver Hunted Meat to Needy Citizens in Skylight
  • Phase 11
    • Deliver Hunted Meat to Needy Citizens in Skylight
  • Phase 12
    • Deliver the Winter Queen's Bounty to Needy Citizens in Skylight
  • Phase 13
    • Deliver the Winter Queen's Bounty to Needy Citizens in Skylight
  • Phase 14
    • Return to Seeker Avala in Skylight


Start Quest
Seeker Avala

Wayfinder! Come and see me again! I've had a breakthrough about the elements and Eventide!

Clear Phase 1
Seeker Avala

You're ready? Excellent! Today we solve a metaphysical mystery!

I spoke to the Huntmaster about that strange creature you encountered. I think I got him angry... maybe. His expression didn't change, but his voice almost did.

I've always gotten the sense that he thinks of me and Venge and most Skylighters, as, well... naive children.

I think he might have cooled down by now, so this is the perfect chance for you to talk to him about the stomper, because it's got something to do with his Eventide traditions!

Just don't phrase it like "Venge's traditions demand that you help," because that man owns more knives than I have hairs on my head. Good luck!

Clear Phase 2
The Huntmaster

I know the little one sent you. She thinks she angered me. Hmph. It takes more than her to raise my voice.

But I will reward her curiosity. I will tell you how the goblins pollute the Maze's traditions.

They would have Eventide be a celebration of greed. Debauchery for its own sake, rather than something sacred to the Path. The true traditions are better.

The creature you smell of—its kind walks other realms, and only shows itself during Eventide. It is the Abominus.

Its hunt is not for greed, but bounty. When the hunter slays the Abominus, its hoard of frozen prey goes to all, no matter how weak or helpless. That is how we feast even in the darkest winter.

You have slain one Abominus, but the hoard still awaits. The scent of blood can attract another. Then you strike, and claim its meats for your own.

Be warned, there is one greater than the Abominus, and this year there may be enough need to track her. The Gloom has taken much from this land. We will see.

Return to the Eventide portal. Seek again the Abominus to gain its hoard. From that victory, you may find more and learn the true ways. That is my gift to you.

Clear Phase 6
The Huntmaster

I see your hunt brings meat and cheer. Your hearth will celebrate with plenty this Eventide. Others are not so lucky. Skylight's numbers swell each day.


Is that why you have so much meat here?

The Huntmaster

It will be gone soon. You must hunt the one who can bring the final feast — the Winter Queen. She stores her meals throughout the year to feed her brood.


How do I find her?

The Huntmaster

The bite on the Abominus tells the tale. They fought over prey and it survived her venom. A strand of its fur will be enough to create a charm.

When that is done, you may seek her lair. Be warned, she is a foe even the Abominus fears.

Clear Phase 9
The Huntmaster

The Path provides. A great threat is now a harvest. She has bound many animals in silk and ice.

Give the prey to the needy in Skylight, so all will thrive. The Queen herself is no exception. Her flesh will give them a few more days of life.

There is no need to see me at this time. I eat well. Celebrate, and feast with the hungry. That is Eventide.

Clear Phase 10
Skylight Citizen

Spare anything for Eventide, stranger? A coin or... what's this?

Meat? This is more than I see in a month! Are these bristly hairs from a boar?


Spider abdomen. The fruit of the Winter Queen.

Skylight Citizen

If this were summer, I might turn up my nose, but the season's been harsh.

Let's try a taste. Hmm... that's good. Like crab, or maybe skitterwig. And enough to feed my neighbors! We'll find a grill tonight. You and the Huntmaster have all our thanks.

Clear Phase 11
Skylight Citizen

Ah, happy Eventide, Wayfinder! Oh, is this for me?

Wow... erm... it's a bug leg. Just what I always, uh... dreamed of. Are you sure this is edible?


The Huntmaster assures me it is.

Skylight Citizen

All the same, I'll feed it to the boys I work with before cooking up some for me. Carry on, and, uh... thanks, I suppose.

Clear Phase 12
Skylight Citizen

Eventide blessings to you, Wayfinder! Is that deer... in a web?


The fruits of the Winter Queen. Divide it up.

Skylight Citizen

Oh. So, I guess we'll just wash off these strands that came out of a spider's rear end, then. Arcspit.

But, um... don't get me wrong, don't take it away or nothin'. I know some folk down on their luck who'd eat anything this winter.

Clear Phase 13
Skylight Citizen

Is there something you want? Oh, you're that Wayfinder who... let me help you carry that, it looks bulky.

Wait, is this all for me? Real, fresh meat? Or at least... frozen meat?


The Winter Queen captured many beasts.

Skylight Citizen

Well, I never heard of a Winter Queen, but I've got so many relatives, I'd pledge my loyalty to any royal that feeds them! Long live the Queen!


She was a spider. She's dead now.

Skylight Citizen

Then she'll be less trouble than most royals. Time for a feast in her honor! Pass on my thanks, Wayfinder!

Clear Quest
Seeker Avala

Maybe if I analyze the meat's signature as it toasts... Oh, Wayfinder! You're still in one piece! Most excellent. And you smell... like musk and blood. What happened?


Here's what happened...

Seeker Avala

Oh how delightful. I did not expect such a rich tradition among the Mazen, nor how the Avar reacted to it. They gave great data! Let me just run a particle counter over the bits of the Winter Queen...

Yes, I think we are almost there! I'll run the numbers with my slide rule, and come up with my answer. Check in again soon!

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