The Reason for the Season

The Reason for the Season
Category Quests
Type Live Event Side Story
Rewards 1610Resonance
File:Avala's Crochet Fox.pngAvala's Crochet Fox
5000Reward Tower XP

The Reason for the Season is a live event quest in Wayfinder.



Seeker Avala needs help with her Eventide research. Find her in the celebration area by Damon's Bell in Skylight.


You delivered Seeker Avala's gifts to her loved ones and they returned the favor. Although she hasn't given up on understanding the reasoning behind Eventide, she is content with the positive ways it encourages kindness to one another.



Clear Slashing Through the Snow.

Start quest[edit]

Starts automatically.


  • Phase 1
    • Speak to Seeker Avala in Skylight
  • Phase 2
    • Deliver a Gift to the Huntmaster in Skylight
  • Phase 3
    • Deliver a Gift to Venge in Skylight
  • Phase 4
    • Deliver a Gift to Omen in Skylight
  • Phase 5
    • Deliver a Gift to Lord Halar in Skylight
  • Phase 6
    • Return to Seeker Avala in Skylight


Start Quest
Seeker Avala

I've hit a snag on my Eventide research. Could you meet with me?

Clear Phase 1
Seeker Avala

There you are! We've made great strides in my research. But I still can't tell if the elemental shifts influenced the varied traditions or if the traditions are causing the shift in the elements.

I think my data could be more precise if I personally participated. I noticed that many of these traditions involve giving and receiving gifts. Usually with those the person feels most attached to.

So I made some gifts! It's been a while since I used crochet needles, but I think they worked out to be adorable!

Well, if you ignore the lopsided eyes, at least. My Abominus looks like it's a half flounder.

Anyway, I've put an arcanic tracker on each of them. I'll monitor the data of the elemental changes from the nerve center here.

Please deliver my gifts to the Huntmaster, Venge, Omen, and Grandfa- Lord Halar. Then return to me and we'll tabulate everything!

Clear Phase 2
The Huntmaster

You return. If you seek another hunt, the Gloom Gate is — what is this?


A present from Seeker Avala.

The Huntmaster

It's... soft. And misshapen. And the seams are... crude. Is this supposed to be something?

Oh, I see. Horns, a tail, a white coat. She sought to create a tiny Abominus.

Tell the little one I... appreciate her honoring my traditions, in her way.

Here. This is rarer than any meat I can give. It is what bees eat to become queens. Tell her I hope her hearth is warm even in the coldest night.

Clear Phase 3

Oh, Wayfinder! Thanks for giving everyone smelly monster meat. People were willing to get rid of the spider webs for nothing. But they're mostly protein! And these humans will eat anything deep-fried!


I have a gift from Seeker Avala.


Wait, what? A present? She's giving me something <italic>for free</>?! Is there a trick? Is there a bomb inside?




Well, that's a shame. I could use a free bomb.

Oh, wait, now I see why she gave it away. This crocheted Plunderfool is kind of ugly. Although it's got some charm, in a way. Crap on a cracker! Now I feel bad.

Here, give this back to her. I made it, but don't say that. Make it sound like it's coming from you, and uh, say I'll use her sentiment to swindle her later. And no smirking!

Clear Phase 4

My friend, I hear quite a lot about your generosity. And apparently you dared a run through elemental sub-strata just to help others.

What is this?


A present from Seeker Avala.


Oh my, what a strange little... I see. She crocheted a Gloom Dagger. She must have worked very hard on this. And from what I understand, usually she doesn't even celebrate Eventide.

Here, I have something I put aside for her a few months ago... I was going to deliver it on Eventide itself, but since you're here...

Let her know that we consider her one of us, and she will always be welcome in Skylight.

Clear Phase 5
Lord Halar

Hello again, Wayfinder. I hear Avala's keeping you busy. I'll assume that you're getting along famously and solving the mysteries of the universe, shall I?


I brought a gift from Avala.

Lord Halar

W-what? Let me see...

Arcs above... I'm sorry, give me a moment... you should know, when Avala was young, her mother sewed a great deal.

Avala wanted to stitch together stuffed animals for other children like her mother did on Eventide. So every year, Avala would sit beside her and try to copy her as best she could.

While a brilliant researcher, Avala could never quite get the hang of needlework or crocheting. She... I see she still struggles with stitching. It's a talent, really.

I never thought I would see another one of these after...

I'm sorry for losing my composure. Thank you.

Give this to Avala and tell her that I adore her gift. And I hope that she continues to practice her sewing. Her mother would have loved that.

Clear Quest
Seeker Avala

They all gave me gifts in return? Even Venge?

A smoke bomb! How, um... practical. And this looks like honey—no, royal jelly—from the Huntmaster, and a book from Omen, "Metaphysical Wonders," first edition! How rare!

And from Grandfather... silver thimbles. I didn't know... he kept these.

I... I didn't know some of these people even thought of me, let alone cared. I mean, Omen... and the Huntmaster? He smiles like once a year. Is this the Avar meaning of Eventide?

Maybe elements versus celebration is the wrong line of inquiry. Perhaps I should have started with us taking care of and appreciating each other, if only for a moment.

I mean, even Venge told you about the Plunderfool instead of hoarding the information or selling it to you. That's got to be an Eventide miracle.

Thank you, Wayfinder. That final crochet's for you, for all of your help. It's a fox, because, ...well, they're objectively the best animal, right?


That's... not what "objectively" means.

Seeker Avala

Not the point! Trying to say something here! Which is, I guess... today's kind of special. May the Arcs have a great design for your Eventide.

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